Last updated on October 5th, 2023 at 11:22 am

Manual testing for your business

At Cidersoft, we provide customized manual testing services to ensure your software's functionality, usability, and performance. Our skilled testers identify and address issues, delivering high-quality software that exceeds expectations. Trust us for thorough and efficient manual testing.

Manual testing for your business

At Cidersoft, we provide customized manual testing services to ensure your software's functionality, usability, and performance. Our skilled testers identify and address issues, delivering high-quality software that exceeds expectations. Trust us for thorough and efficient manual testing.

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    What services do we offer

    Test Planning

    We collaborate with you to understand your requirements, define test objectives, and create a test plan that outlines the scope, approach, and timelines for manual testing.

    Test Design

    Our experienced testers analyze the software specifications and design detailed test cases and test scenarios. These test cases outline the steps to be executed, the expected results, and any test data required.

    Test Execution

    In this phase, the actual testing takes place. Our testers execute the test cases, perform exploratory testing, and report any issues or defects encountered during the testing process.

    Defect Management

    Any identified defects are logged in a defect tracking system. Our team works closely with your development team to prioritize and resolve the issues, ensuring that the software meets the required quality standards.

    Test Reporting

    We provide regular test reports that summarize the test execution progress, the identified defects, and the overall quality of the software. These reports help you make informed decisions and track the testing progress.

    Test Closure

    Once the testing is complete, we conduct a thorough review of the test results and ensure that all test objectives have been met. We provide a final test closure report, highlighting the overall testing outcomes and recommendations for future improvements.


    Why outsource Manual testing ?

    Expertise and Specialization

    By outsourcing manual testing, companies gain access to a team of dedicated testing professionals who specialize in manual testing techniques and methodologies. 

    Cost Efficiency

    Can be a cost-effective solution compared to maintaining an in-house testing team by outsourcing manual testing. 

    Focus on Core Competencies

    By outsourcing manual testing, you can free up your internal resources to focus on your core competencies and strategic business initiatives. 

    Access to Latest Tools and Technologies

    Outsourcing manual testing can provide you access to a wide range of testing tools, technologies, and infrastructure that may otherwise be expensive to procure and maintain in-house. 

    Scalability and Flexibility

    By outsourcing manual testing, companies gain the advantage of scalability and flexibility in meeting project demands. 

    Quality Assurance and Risk Mitigation

    Can helps ensure better quality assurance and risk mitigation. Skilled testing professionals follow industry best practices and rigorous testing methodologies to identify defects, mitigate risks, and ensure the delivery of a high-quality software product. 

    Affiliations and Awards

    Cidersoft is one of the best companies to hire for Manual testing

    Comprehensive Test Coverage

    Our manual testing services ensure thorough testing of your software, identifying any defects or issues that may impact its performance or functionality. This means you can release high-quality software that meets the expectations of your users.

    Faster Time-to-Market

    By outsourcing manual testing to Cidersoft, you can accelerate your software development process. Our efficient and experienced testers can quickly identify and resolve issues, helping you deliver your product to the market faster.

    Cost Savings

    Outsourcing manual testing allows you to reduce costs associated with maintaining an in-house testing team. You can leverage our expertise and resources on-demand, paying for the testing services only when needed, resulting in significant cost savings.

    Improved User Experience

    With our meticulous manual testing approach, we ensure that your software provides a seamless and satisfying user experience. By identifying and fixing usability issues, we help you enhance user satisfaction and build a positive brand reputation.

    Our clients and partners

    We are always looking for new clients and partners to work with. Join our network and experience the benefits of our custom development services. Contact us today to discuss your project or staffing needs.


    Our portfolio showcases our diverse expertise in industries ranging from healthcare to e-commerce. We have delivered over 200 successful projects for clients worldwide, demonstrating our commitment to quality and innovation.

    Manual testing process with Cidersoft

    Expert Testing Capabilities

    Our experienced manual testers possess deep expertise in manual testing techniques, enabling them to identify complex issues and ensure comprehensive test coverage.

    Customized Testing Approach

    We understand that every project is unique, and we tailor our manual testing approach to meet the specific requirements and objectives of each client, ensuring optimal results.

    Timely and Accurate Reporting

    We provide detailed and actionable test reports, highlighting any defects or vulnerabilities found during the testing process, enabling our clients to make informed decisions.

    Collaborative Partnership

    We believe in fostering a collaborative partnership with our clients, working closely with their teams to align our testing efforts with their development goals and timelines, ensuring seamless integration of manual testing into their software development lifecycle.


    Manual testing refers to the process of manually executing test cases to identify defects and ensure the functionality, usability, and quality of software applications. In manual testing, testers perform various tests, such as functional testing, regression testing, usability testing, and exploratory testing, by following predefined test cases or exploring the application to find bugs and issues.

    Manual testing remains popular for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for thorough validation of software applications. Manual testing involves human interaction with the application, enabling testers to assess its usability, user experience, and overall functionality in real-world scenarios. Secondly, manual testing provides flexibility and adaptability. Testers can use their domain knowledge, experience, and creativity to identify and uncover defects that may be difficult to capture through automated testing. Thirdly, manual testing is cost-effective for small-scale projects. Automation can be time-consuming and costly to implement for projects with frequent changes or limited resources. Manual testing provides a cost-effective solution in such cases. Moreover, manual testing is valuable for exploratory testing. Exploratory testing involves simultaneous learning, testing, and understanding of the software application. It helps uncover hidden defects, usability issues, and areas for improvement that may not be covered by predefined test cases. Additionally, manual testing allows for ad hoc testing and quick bug identification. Testers can quickly identify and report critical defects without relying on automated test scripts. Finally, manual testing enables user-focused testing. Testers can evaluate the application from the perspective of end-users, ensuring that it meets their expectations and requirements.

    Manual testing holds importance in business for several reasons. Firstly, it helps ensure the quality and reliability of software applications. Manual testing allows for thorough validation and verification of the application’s functionality, ensuring that it meets the desired specifications and user requirements. This helps businesses deliver high-quality products and services to their customers, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Secondly, manual testing provides a human perspective. Testers can assess the user experience, usability, and overall quality of the application from a human standpoint, identifying issues that automated tests may overlook. This helps businesses deliver applications that are intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with user expectations. Thirdly, manual testing aids in risk mitigation. Testers can identify and report critical defects and issues that may impact the application’s performance, security, or compliance with industry standards. This allows businesses to address these risks proactively and avoid potential financial or reputational losses. Moreover, manual testing supports continuous improvement. Testers can provide valuable feedback and insights based on their testing experience, helping businesses identify areas for enhancement and refinement in their software applications. Additionally, manual testing is essential for certain types of testing, such as usability testing, exploratory testing, and user acceptance testing. These testing activities require human interaction, judgment, and evaluation, which cannot be fully automated. Finally, manual testing is cost-effective for small-scale projects or projects with limited resources. It eliminates the need for complex automation frameworks and allows businesses to focus their resources on critical areas of testing.

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